Video Resources
Large Scale Fire Testing
Basic Expert has been doing cladding risk assessments for many years using information from large-scale scenario-based tests in addition to information from standard testing such as AS5113 or BS8414. We use Engineers Australia’s Society of Fire Safety’s practice guide on analysis of the fire safety of combustible cladding on existing buildings to develop building specific rectification schemes. This research is part of our commitment to improving building safety and ensuring the highest standards are met.
Stay tuned for more insights and updates from our findings!
ACP Backpan Test
We recently conducted another cladding test, this time using an ACP back-pan. Our investigation focused on the combustibility of materials on a building in Victoria. This was one of a series of bespoke scenario driven tests. Repeatability is accounted for by conducting the test multiple times. Reproducibility is addressed by providing full test documentation. Testing is open to local professionals who have an interest in the test outcome. The specimen is based on reproduction of a section of the actual building, chosen based on the scenario being evaluated. The exposure fire is a line burner, typically 300 or 500 kW, usually with no ramp up, but sometimes with a ramp up depending on the scenario. Gas temperature is measured using thermocouple trees and heat flux with a plate thermometer. It is not a pass fail test, but rather one developed to assist in engineering judgement as part of a SFAIRP risk assessment.

ACP Backpan Testing
ACP Vertical Fire Spread Test
BASIC Expert conducted large-scale façade testing, to determine whether the ignition of the ACP- FR panel would cause vertical fire spread on the building. The fire tests demonstrated that both horizontal and vertical fire spread are unlikely to occur. The purpose of this bespoke scenario-driven test was to assess the likely severe fire exposure, considering the as-built conditions, to determine the potential of vertical fire spread through the external wall. The test relies on the general requirements outlined in ISO 13785-1-2022, utilizing a burner specified in the ISO standard. However, the instrumentations and test specimen are tailored to the unique characteristics of the building, mimicking the as-built construction of the building façade. Given the bespoke nature of the test, we took the worst-case scenarios and tested Test Scenario 1 and Test Scenario 2 as the relevant fire scenarios.