Forensic Engineering
BASIC EXPERT expertise undertakes audits that encompasses all categories of fire services and measures:
Dry Fire Components
Automatic Fire/Smoke Detection and Alarm Systems
Fire Indicator Panels, including Communications Links and Interface Matrix analysis
Occupant warning systems
Emergency lighting and Exit signs
Mechanical ventilation, including Stair Pressurisation and Smoke Control Systems.
Structural Fire Protection
BASIC Expert consults with industry leaders to identify the most up-to-date structural fire protection services and strategies for a wide range of building applications. With a mind set to ensure the integrity of the built environment for the safety of residents and workers. Our solutions are compliant, practical and state of the art.
Wet Fire Components
Fire Sprinklers and drenching systems
Hydrant and Hose reel systems
Fire extinguishers
Passive Fire Measures
Fire and smoke door assessments (including windows and shutters exit doors and door releases)
Fire/smoke dampers, seals, vents and stopping
Exit paths and travel
Warning signs
Testing Facade Systems
To ensure that building systems are safe and compliant BASIC Expert consults and cooperates with industry leaders to test systems that are reflective of real-world situations. Importantly the systems tested have utilised adaptations of as built conditions, as well as proof of concept situations. Where appropriate, we take a hands-on approach as our own engineers conduct destructive field testing.